Sunday, September 14, 2008

my guitar teacher

It was in 2005 when i first started taking guitar lessons. I always liked the classical guitar. My mom was driving me to go get my guitar teacher to my house. And all the way i was thinking what he would look like. What if he is an ugly guy? I was 13 years old. i don't understand the way i was thinking . Anyway i met my guitar teacher and he looked good i think. But when was shaking hands with him i saw his right hand nails. He had long nails to play the guitar. Anyway he was a funny guy and fat he is about 36 years old when I met him. After he finished teaching me the lesson for the day, we went out and then he said "you go first" as a sign of respect. Then i said no you go first. He said again "no you go first" i said " no ladies first":D. I really did not mean anything bad i was just practicing my English on him. He said "you mean....." and he did not continue he just went out. I was saying to myself wait wait; i really did not mean to hurt your feelings. The next time i saw him i had a lesson, i did not practice that week. all my fingers was in a wrong position on the guitar. Especially my thumb it was curvy and it's not supposed curve on the neck. Anyway, he took his pen and hit my thumb knuckle with it. I said "ouch that hurts" and suddenly i remembered oh he is avenging because of what i said last week. I always joked on him .because he is fat. Now he became my best friend i guess. He always helped me with many things. He helped my mother with many things she would not be able to do it. I did not learn guitar. He is Shiite and i am Sunni, so he could not come to my neighborhood after the situation got bad in Baghdad. I play some chords he taught me. Maybe my story is not that funny but in my memory it's really fun. They are really nice memories. I don't remember something that happened that confuses me, because i always thing about the things that happens to me. Great changes happened since i came here in one year a great change happen in my life. That's why i feel like i am living now without any past. But i am happy because i know there some people over there who still care for me, and maybe in the future there will be people here who will care for me.


EdwardsR said...

Comment:I really liked the line "I feel like I am living without any past" because it's so eloquent. I would expand on that though.I also thought it was really funny that you never ended up learning guitar, and how he just became your friend.

Question: In what way did he come your best friends? What things did he help your mother with?

Suggestion: It's really good, I would give more details on your feelings throughout the piece.

hameedh said...

he acted like a father and a friend. he helped my mom with money transfer from iraq to here .And now we asked him to do us another favor and he said he will be glad to do it.

PaschalLEnglish0809 said...

I really liked the story, how you met a complete stranger with low expectations, but then her became your best friend and was a positive influence in your life. Try to read it over again and pick out some words that were in the wrong tense like is and was and spellings. You could try expanding on some emotion, and use more description. Why did you choose to write about this experience, did this man change your life?
But overall it was great, especially since it's your 2nd language, that's absolutely incredible.

Also... the metaphor "sweating bullets" means sweating an enormous amount, like as fast as bullets being shot from a gun.

See ya tomorrow! -Leah-

marshW said...

You described your emotions prior to your guitar lessons well. I thought it was funny that you were scared that he would be ugly. The part about him being a Sunni and you a Shiite really got my attention and I thought that you could have described that a whole that more. How did you feel about being more or less forced to end your friendship with him?